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Money Saved with Agreed Prices

Large quantities of groceries are purchased and used in a large kitchen every single week throughout a year, and orders must be placed with many different producers and suppliers. How do you buy the best product quality, most efficiently, at the best possible price?

By: Sofie Vatle 19.04.2024 07:24


Advantages of Negotiated Purchase Prices

By negotiating and entering into agreements on selected items with each supplier, you save both time and money throughout the year. With the procurement system Millum Procurement, your negotiated items and prices from all relevant suppliers are gathered in one place, and you have full control over the entire procurement process. Similarly, it is convenient for suppliers to gather their goods and catalogs in one place for connection to all their customers.


Reduce Your Costs in the Procurement Process

By using a procurement system, you gain greater control over your own business, among other things, by reducing costs. You have an overview of all suppliers in one place, with the relevant products you have negotiated, at agreed prices. At the same time, you close the gaps where purchases are made outside of agreements, ensuring both price and quality are consistent.

If you have ongoing control and oversight of what the company buys and from whom, it is also easier to shift focus to cutting costs without compromising the dishes being made. When chefs calculate and buy what they need to prepare, they thus have full control over their costs and can set an appropriate selling price based on the cost level in the calculations.


Quick and Easy with Millum

Hotels, restaurants, and staff restaurants often have the same ordering procedure every time. By setting up regular orders that go automatically at set times, or copying shopping lists you often use, it is easy to place orders. This way, you and your colleagues free up time to prepare the food that gives your guests the great experiences.


Want more information?

Send an email to kontakt@millum.no, and we will contact you to tell you more about how our products can help you and your business.